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研究针对航空母舰飞行作业空间安全问题而开展。研究首先根据作业特点划分航母作业区域,针对飞行作业分析构成空间危害因素的来源,提出一套度量危险因素的空间关联安全水平指标,以便对危险因素的空间关系进行量化;然后在此基础上,对2套不同起飞作业布局进行安全评价;最后,并围绕航母飞行甲板作业空间安全的典型问题进行分析和讨论。  相似文献   
对国内外主城与新城衔接的新城区(郊区)轨道线特征及交通功能等因素进行总结分析,并结合武汉市及国内外典型城市新城区轨道交通规划建设经验,对新城区轨道交通线路规划关键问题做深入研究。提出对新城区轨道交通线路规划中与其他不同层次轨道线网功能及技术标准的衔接关系;与新城区发展应注重以轨道交通引领新城区协同发展,与城市空间结构高度契合关系;新城区轨道线路走向应沿预测主要客流走廊,串联新城区商业、交通枢纽等大型客流集散点,以缓解开通初期普遍面临客流量增长缓慢,客运强度偏低的问题。  相似文献   
在逐日出行过程中,出行者对各类信息的偏好是一个动态变化的过程,不同出行者对同类信息的偏好也不同.本研究搭建不同信息条件下逐日路径选择实验场景,用信息偏好系数表征不同类别信息对出行者感知时间影响的相对权重,研究出行者信息偏好的演化规律与分布特征.实验结果表明,出行个体信息偏好的演化存在3种类型,出行群体对感知时间的信息偏好系数先震荡增加后逐步稳定,出行个体对感知时间的信息偏好系数在出行群体中成正态分布.与只提供完全历史信息相比,同时提供基于指数平滑法的系统预测信息会降低出行者对感知时间的偏好.  相似文献   
多式联运能够充分发挥各种运输方式的综合优势,对于推动物流业降本增效、完善现代综合交通运输体系具有积极意义。武汉港阳逻港区具备发展多式联运的各项要素,但缺乏对多式联运发展的系统性规划,港区多式联运发展相对滞后,综合交通优势尚未有效发挥。通过总结典型案例的发展经验,结合港区内外部综合因素,思考港区多式联运发展思路,探讨港区多式联运的布局规划以及综合服务的提升,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   
波浪是渔港建设中最重要的水动力因素,由于外海风浪作用强烈,影响港内渔船泊稳,需修建防波堤挡潮抗浪。从波浪角度研究防波堤平面布置,首先分析了舟山市六横岛小郭巨渔港工程的建设条件,确定防浪掩护控制标准,并提出防波堤直线形、折线形布置的8个平面布置方案。以满足渔船有效泊稳面积为准,采用MIKE21 BW模块计算在50 a一遇波浪与水位组合条件下堤后波高分布及防浪掩护效果,对8个方案进行研究,基于其中相对较优方案,进行了2个方案的优化。最终确定某渔港防波堤平面布置最优方案为:防波堤总长350 m、折堤夹角132°、直线段长122 m、折线段长228 m。  相似文献   
针对长江上游某港区复杂的自然条件和通航环境以及典型的山区地形建设条件,分析港区总平面布置主要影响因素及技术问题,合理地布置码头,较好地解决了大水位差水工结构和装卸工艺设计问题。通过理念创新和技术创新,提出12 m重车间距的双线"C"型两支点双车翻车机,成功采用防风网基础与管线带结合布置和轨道基础内部设置排水沟等节约用地的优化方案,充分发挥了上游地区造地的作用。  相似文献   
依托北京新机场线一期工程07标段,从刀盘类型、刀盘驱动设备、刀具型式、刀具布置、渣土改良系统和同步注浆系统等方面对盾构选型进行研究。通过分析工程特点、总结以往工程经验、理论计算等方法得出结论:在全断面砂卵石地层中,辐条式刀盘适应性更佳;先行刀与刮刀组合的破岩方式以及先行刀的高差设置,有利于盾构掘进开挖土体;渣土改良材料注入口布置应充分考虑地质条件。  相似文献   
周跃  黄黎辉 《水运工程》2018,(6):98-102
针对罗屿作业区建设规模大,建设周期长等因素,为保证9~#和10~#散货泊位正常运营,减少后期建设对已建码头运营的影响,在深入分析工程建设条件、分期建设时序和建设需求的基础上,通过合理确定泊位功能、装卸工艺系统、因地制宜布置堆场和生产生活辅助区等措施,实现功能布局合理、场地最大化利用等目标。  相似文献   
As Arctic sea ice shrinks due to global warming, the Northern Sea Route (NSR) and the Northwest Passage (NWP) offer a substantial reduction in shipping distance between Asia and the European and North American continents, respectively, when compared to conventional routes through the Suez and Panama Canals. However, Arctic shipping routes have many problems associated with their use. The main objective of this paper is to identify the key criteria that influence the decisions of shipping operators with respect to using Arctic shipping routes. A multi-criteria decision-making methodology, the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, is applied to rank four potential categories of criteria (‘economic’, ‘technical’, ‘political’ and ‘safety’ factors) and their sub-criteria.

The results of the analysis suggest that, on aggregate, ‘economic’ is the most important category of influential factors, followed by ‘safety’, ‘technical’ and ‘political’ factors. The paper concludes, however, that the most influential specific sub-criteria relate to risks that lie mainly within the ‘safety’ and ‘political’ domains and that, especially in combination, these overwhelm the importance which is attached to ‘economic’ factors such as reduced fuel use. Finally, the implications of these findings for the future development of Arctic shipping are addressed at a strategic level.  相似文献   

This contribution puts forward a novel multi-class continuum model that captures some of the key dynamic features of pedestrian flows. It considers route choice behaviour on both the strategic (pre-trip) and tactical (en-route) level. To achieve this, we put forward a class-specific equilibrium direction relation of the pedestrians, which is governed by two parts: one part describing the global route choice, which is pre-determined based on the expectations of the pedestrians, and one part describing the local route choice, which is a density-gradient dependent term that reflects local adaptations based on prevailing flow conditions.Including the local route choice term in the multi-class model causes first of all dispersion of the flow: pedestrians will move away from high density areas in order to reduce their overall walking costs. Second of all, for the crossing flow and bi-directional flow cases, local route choice causes well known self-organised patterns to emerge (i.e. diagonal stripes and bi-directional lanes). We study under which demand conditions self-organisation occurs and fails, as well as what the impact is of the choices of the different model parameters. In particular, the differences in the weights reflecting the impact of the own and the other classes appear to have a very strong impact on the self-organisation process.  相似文献   
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